Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 4

Good morning. I just asked dad if he would like to communicate a message to everyone reading the blog. He simply wants to say thanks for the prayers.

Yesterday was an eventful day. A "bath", a trip for an x-ray, and two short walks to the hallway and back...all went well. The x-ray showed only a small area of "crackles" in his left lung that has been determined as normal for post-op at this stage.

I stayed here with dad overnight so mom could sleep in a normal bed, uninterrupted for the night. Like dad, I slept in spurts. All things considered, he is fairly low maintenance. For those of you who know him well enough this comes as no surprise. He is a pleasure to be around even now.

The doctor was in this morning and expressed some concern about redness around the incision. New antibiotics have been ordered to cover a broader scope of bacteria. Dad admitted that this news made him a bit uneasy and agreed that a prayer request was in order. His epidural was also removed this morning and they have switched him over to pain pills, with a continued option for IV meds if needed. He expressed some additional concern about the possibility of the pills upsetting his stomach. The thought of heaving or stressing his belly in any way makes him nervous. After seeing the incision for myself, I share his anxiety in this!

Please pray that he would be comfortable today and able to handle the progression of meds with ease. Pray that the right antibiotics would be administered and that God would intervene on any infection that may be developing. Even now it is obvious that his body is not liking the pills or the antibiotics. Cold sweats, stomach discomfort, and a slight panic are occurring. Pray...

He enjoys hearing your comments and believes in the power of your prayers. Keep them coming. We still have a few hurdles to overcome in the next few days.

Peace and love,

Joy LaVale


  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. Get well soon! Jason,Angie&Austin Hendrie

  2. Good Morning,Beilers,
    Thanks for the blog. It's a great way find out how Jonie is doing without nagging.
    My brother had this same surgery 3 weeks ago. They removed 6 inches of his sigmoid intestine..has the same intimidating scar. He was in the hospital for 7 days, and recovered at home.(just so you know, this seems to be the standard for this procedure).
    We are confident that God has something meaningful that will result from this. Please let your dad know that "my men" are bringing him before the Lord every morning in their devotional time. I'm sure you know we love you, but it doesn't hurt to say it again!
    We love you all! Karen
